Measurement of Weld Metal Hardness  - Preparing Test Pieces

January 2, 2020
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Measurement of Weld Metal Hardness  - Preparing Test Pieces

Hardness measurement of weld metal is a prior & necessary criteria for understanding wear resistance and mechanical resistance of wear plate or weld metal of hardfacing. Especially for maintenance&repair and joining operations. Especially during wear plate manufacturing, hardfacing and maintenance&repair applications, product quality must fit hardness norms set by quality standards and international standards.Let's have a look at wear plate manufacturing, hardfacing and maintenance&repair applications.

European and American standards are not as detailed and comprehensive as joining welds. Construction materials that do not fit with international standard regulations cannot be sold and delivered to end-users in European or American regions. Besides that, for hardfacing and maintenance&repair applications or wear plate manufacturing, there are end-products provided to consumers which are manufactured with an unsuitable method and without correct hardness measurements.Hardness test specimen of wear plates, welding consumables or hardfaced materials must be prepared in accordance with EN ISO 6847 (Welding consumables-Deposition of weld pad for chemical analysis). Most of the mistakes in the measurement process are made during the preparation of the test specimen for hardness measurement. Test plates that are not prepared under EN ISO 6847 standard will present incorrect hardness results. Dilution rate is one of the most important topics in wear plate, hardfacing and maintenance&repair applications. If the dilution rate of test specimen surface of wear plate or hardfaced material is higher or lower than expected, the hardness level might be higher or lower than it should be.Hardness measurement mistakes cause incorrect wear resistance predictions. Afterwards, incrorrect predictions cause additional costs and loss of time to end-users.

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